Agragati Seba Sangstha (ASS) is a nongovernment; non
profitable, nonpolitical and voluntary development organization was established
in 2003.It was then registered with Department of Social Service under Ministry
of Social welfare.A group of social activist found that underprivileged section
of the people like hardcore poor and poor people, women, girls, marginal farmer
and business people are living under poverty line due to lack awareness,
knowledge, skill and financial capital.They had daily food crisis, poor health
and sanitation,substandard housing, inadequate education and medical
treatment.They were also less social dignity.They were not organized and lack
of leadership.Government services were very less and sometimes it was not
reached at all to the real people.In this context ASS was established. Later
on, the organization was registered with Department of social Service under
Ministry of Social welfare,Bangladesh.Later on it also registered with NGO
Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh and Microcredit Regulatory Authority
Agragati Seba Sangstha (ASS) envisages poverty free, prosperous. Judge and harmonious society where people will live in peace with human dignity in environmental sound earth.
Agragati Seba Sangstha (ASS) raises people’s awareness on socio-economic issues, organize and build up people capacity to implement development activities for their sustainable self-reliant development.
•Target people will have proper knowledge, skill and attitude, so that they will organize and engage in development activities
•The beneficiaries will have easy access to basic services provided by government and non-government service providers
•Target people will have microfinance opportunities for eradicate poverty through implementing different income generating activities
•Women will be empowered through having access to services, participate in decision making and enjoying rights and entitlements
•Ensure Community people’s participation in mobilize the local resources to implement integrated rural development.
•Poverty alleviation of target people through implementing different Income generating activities (IGAs)
•Ensure standard housing for its target people
•Enhance beneficiaries Access to safe water and sanitation
•To build disability inclusive society and protect rights of Persons with disabilities
•Mitigation and Adaptation in Climate change
•Response to Natural and artificial Disaster
•Empowerment of women through raising voice, building capacity and involving them in power structure and IGAs
•Protect the rights of children and women
•To provide legal support to the target people
The poorest of the poor
The poor people
Persons with disabilities
Marginal farmer
Marginal business people
Ethnic people
General people